Monday, August 12, 2019

Today was a great day

Really, it was.

I woke up, had breakfast (pancakes and detox tea), took a shower then couldn’t decide what to wear and ended up being 15 minutes late for physical therapy (oh yeah, I have a workers comp case going on; I bruised my knee so badly at work that it swelled up and I had to wear a brace for a few weeks).

Physical therapy kind of sucked because I was in a different, bigger room than usual and it was way too noisy and crowded. Once that was done, I decided I deserved some bubble tea to help calm my nerves.

So I made the twenty minute drive to Roosevelt Field mall, the only place I know of in Nassau County that serves non-milk bubble tea.

Finally got the order right: large passion green tea, pearls, no sugar, regular ice. The flavor was divine. Next time I think I’ll try it with extra pearls and light ice. That ought to be perfection in a cup.

While I was there, it occurred to me to drive out to my alma mater and see about why I hadn’t heard back regarding the phone meeting I was promised a few months ago. They got a new dean, and the science journalism program lost funding, so they’ve been pushing back the start date again and again. Now they finally said a year from January. Which sounds like 2021 to me. Good lord. I started that program in summer 2014.

Anyway, I decided to pop up unannounced and show my face. They can’t give me a runaround if I’m there in person, right?

Well, on my way up (omg. The nostalgia.) I met a woman in the elevator who was super friendly and started talking to me about the weather. Our conversation only lasted about thirty seconds, but it was nice.

Turns out I got off on the wrong floor.

When I found my way to the correct floor, correct office, and Maureen recognized me...who else should I see and then be introduced to but ELEVATOR LADY?

Turns out she’s the new dean of the Journalism department.

Thank God I was friendly.

I spent a little while catching up with Maureen while I waited for this new dean to finish her phone meeting, but get this. Before she went in for the meeting, she said that she and I would talk, and they’ll see what they can do for me, to see if I can finish up the program on my own. As in, before the whole thing restarts.


I didn’t end up getting a chance to speak to her about it today, because as soon as the phone meeting was done, she had an in-person meeting scheduled with some other people and then she was supposed to leave. To be fair, I DID turn up unannounced.

But I got to speak to the lady who manages her calendar, and she told me to email her so she can set up a meeting for us.

Check, done. Just gotta wait to hear back from her.

Then I went exploring the campus...oh how much has changed yet how much has remained the same. Oh! They’re completely tobacco free now. I wish I could tell mommy about that. Guess I’ll do it when I visit her grave next time.

I FaceTimed Cal to tell him about my elevator adventure and why I was there. He didn’t pick up at first but called me back a few minutes later & I told him all about it while I walked across the railroad tracks to 7-11 and got pizza, a hot dog and a slushee. Then I sat on the grass by the train station and ate while he stayed on FaceTime and played smash bros.

Did I mention the weather today was GORGEOUS? That late summer, 80 degrees, no humidity beautiful sunshine type of a day.

After I left my school, I decided to stop by the mall since...well, I love that mall and I hadn’t been there in a good 5 years. Besides, when am I ever that far out on the island?

Got me some fake white converse low tops (been wanting these for ages and they were only $10!) a yellow hoodie, a boho pair of lounge pants (omg they fit) and I got my ears pierced. I now have three holes in each lobe.

I just wanted to be like my mommy, okay?

She had three holes in each lobe.

Then I drove home, windows down, 70mph the whole way...While the sun was setting. Did I mention today was a beautiful day?

I’m grateful.

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