Thursday, March 19, 2015

Hi there.
I ought to be sleeping.
But I'm not.

It's funny how much of myself I've already come into and yet still have not realized.
Once again I have this vision of myself... Gorgeous curls, a floppy Stetson, my boho septum ring...a loose, flowy shirt and some ripped jeans or shorts with ankle boots... Or moccasins. And ears stretched to 7/16ths.
And my tattoos. I'd have the empire state building on the back of my left arm, my writing quote on my right wrist, my sleeping fox on my left thigh, and I still haven't figured out a spot for my quote "all the stories are true."
I may replace that one with Jem's quote from the end of CoHF, but that's debatable. And I'm considering whether it would be too weird to get Pentatonix's symbol somewhere.

Speaking of them, I freaking got tickets to their tour with Kelly Clarkson this summer AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH


Okay, time to sleep now. Good night!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Hi. It's good to be back.

Today was a great day. Funny, because it didn't start out that way. It started out miserable and aggravating, where I drove for an hour and a half to get someplace that should have taken me twenty minutes...and ended up not even reaching because I got fed up and turned back.

But then I got home (finally) and took a nap, and both Frisk and Topaze climbed into the bed and napped with me. And work was alright. And it's Tuesday, so Superfruit uploaded a video.

And it was warm today.
Sixty degrees.


After all the snow we've gotten, and the cold I caught over the weekend, warm weather is more than welcome. And I'm not being a humbug about the winter - I love winter. But I'm so ready for spring.

So in the spirit of warmer days and longer daylight hours, I'm feeling inspired and I need to blog. I'm currently in a very chill mood, listening to a song that I discovered a few minutes ago. It's called Run to the Sea and it's a collab between Royksopp and Susanne Sundfor. (Both Norwegian artists, yay) And I found a dubstep version of it. Yeah. Cue something so totally me. I need a beat and a wicked drop. =D

Thanks to Mitch for putting me on to Susanne Sundfor today.

ANYWAY, before I get too depressed about the fact that in exactly one week they're (Pentatonix) going to be in NYC and I won't be at their show...............(sigh) let me do what I came on here to do.

Make a list. (oh, I need to start up my poetry again. It kept me sane, if not happy.)

My list is of things that I want to improve about myself. I've eaten way too much chocolate in the past two days, and it's...not...good. I know my skin is going to suffer for it very soon. So we need to do something about that, me and myself. Oh. And I too. Yup.

I want to do a detox, but I'm afraid. I don't know how to do one properly, and it also seems like a whole lot of work. Schedules and yucky drinks and whatnot. How is whatnot a word? It doesn't seem like it should be. Shouldbe ought to be a word. But it's not. That's not fair, and whatnot.


I also want to sign up for a personal trainer together with my friend Nia, because I'm tired of not being active. Unfortunately that means going to a gym and being locked inside (seriously, that's what it feels like) but at least warmer days are here, so that means if I can drag myself out of bed I can go running before work. I think that's a good idea. I think I should do that. And I need to dance. And be disciplined.

Gah. It always comes down to discipline.

And I want to devote time to things I'm good at, like writing. It's like, I need to set off a block of time and just sit down and be like, START TYPING. IT DOESN'T MATTER IF IT'S GIBBERISH, JUST TYPE. THE MUSE WILL COME.
Seriously, though, even though I like working at my job, that's not something I want to be doing two years from now. Maybe a year, because it would be okay to help get me through school, except scheduling issues, but, eh. But two years? No.

Goals are important. When you write them down they become tangible. And achievable.

I also keep wanting to print out stuff that will inspire me and stick it up all around my room.

"No chocolate."
"I CAN and I WILL"
"Work until you no longer have to introduce yourself"
"Winners are not people who never fail. Winners are people who never quit."
"Don't let anything stop you from following Jesus."

And other motivational quotes like that.

I write well in the morning. Not super early morning, but sort of eight-ish nine-ish. When I don't have to force myself out of bed. When the sun is still mellow in the sky. Maybe I can write on the days when I don't go running? Where are my running shoes?

What's different in people's brains that they like dubstep music? My mom can't stand it. Why? What's the difference? hmm. Interesting.

This is getting to be a fairly long post, so I think I'll cut it here. I feel pretty good.

Love you.