Wednesday, September 10, 2014

finally! (how many of my posts have that title?)

It took me three solid days of research and writing...but I'm done!

Done with my first project...half an hour before the deadline.


Now it's time to go curl up under the covers and rest...I've got a long day tomorrow. Especially since it's Mom's birthday. I'm glad. Truly glad. Another year. A whole, 'nother, year.

After all that....she's still here.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Heya there. Yes you. How are you?

Why I'm doing just fine, thanks for asking.

Okay. Listen up...we need to plan. We need a schedule. Like, NEED a schedule.

Say it with me now. In the British way. Shhhhhhhheddule.


Let's begin.

Alright. I have to catch the 9:36 train in the mornings. That means I have to get out by 8:30.

Is this stupid? Can a stalker track me down and like... well.

I live in ARIZONA!

Just kidding. I live in Chicago.

Nope. It's actually Boston. =D

ANYWAY. I digress.

So I have to do reading, and research, and some writing, and hopefully my job continues to allow me to make up my hours. So assuming they do, work starts at 8:30 on some days.

On those days, I'll have to wake up earlier. How does 5:30 sound?


Hmm. Wakey wakey (Doctor Who reference there...see what I did?) and I can do research and read the paper on Tuesdays (how early does it get published online?) until 7:30, when I get ready for work.

Dang. Those will be some long days. Then I'd really need to sleep.

Maybe we can do 6:00. Yeah. An extra half hour. Okay.

P.S. I need to print my syllabus. Remind me, okay?

Get some zzzzz's from 8:00 to 6:00.

I wanted to run, but I def can't do that every day. It shall have to be a few days a week. The day I have class might be a good least until the snow comes.

Hmm. I need time to shower, so... gotta be back by an hour before I have to leave. That's some early mornin' runnin'. It'll be dark in the winter.

I think.



I hear crickets. They've been out in full force during the nights lately, and the cicadas during the day. I love the sound of both.

I'm going to miss summer.

But I'm ready for the fall. So ready.