Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Rhythm of the Rain, Rhythm of the Heart

Ting mikyun! Katot taftxu oel, tompaya kato, txe'lanya kato!

That's Na'vi for "Listen! I weave the rhythm, rhythm of the rain, rhythm of the heart!"

*smiles* I do so enjoy that movie....Avatar. It's seriously a great movie. And the language is real. Oe nume u. (I'm learning it.)

I've even adopted a name in it: Oeru syaw Tiyawn Iknimaya. That means "My name is Tiyawn Iknimaya."

Tiyawn means love, and Iknimaya means stairway to heaven. So basically, my name is the statement: Love is the stairway to heaven.
Anyhow...Mommy finally managed to "play" the clarinet I bought her for Mother's Day. At the very least, she's finally getting some noise out of it.
We're all so excited for her.

But what was not expected, and least of all by me, was that I would be the one to learn to play songs on it first; and within the first day of picking it up. I can play maybe seven songs on it: When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder, Take A Grip, Meet Me By The River, Amazing Grace, The Man From Galilee, and maybe three others that I can't remember the names of any more since this blog was stupid (or maybe I was) by pressing the backspace key just long enough to delete all the songs I had written out...and then my memory decided to try and fail me. But ah well. God is Lord through it all. Thank You Jesus.

So. I've had a great day today; Ms. Hyacinth Hutchinson came over to pick up some bread but stayed and visited with us for a bit while we all tried to make squeaky noises on the clarinet--we had a blast and nearly choked laughing so hard at the faces we had to make in order to get a decent sound out. =)

So. I'll be finishing up cleaning my room tomorrow, and I've got to keep on working on my know about those. *winks*

So, irayo for everything, and God ngahu.

(Thanks for everything, and God be with you).

Love, Tiyawn Iknimaya.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Pretty Pink Poison

I'll come back and edit this later; I just wanted to have it down so I didn't forget. I'm going to make it into a song.

=P A rock song.

"With her pretty pink poison"
"because you love her pretty pink poison"

Ends with: "and you were killed by (in breathy tone) her pretty pink poison".

Cram Time

I'm really glad I chose a dark background for my blog. It allows me to use so many different colors to type in depending on my mood.

Anyway, I've got a final for Microbiology tomorrow, and I have been doing a bit of studying...I need to do more, though. I always need to do more; I never do enough of anything good. I do too much of things that aren't good, though, but then, shucks. I don't know. I just want to change for the better.

It's a quarter past eight now, and I need to focus. My mom has this thing she calls "forced focus," which works some of the time, but not all of the time. It's best if you're reading or something like that: you just don't allow yourself to look up and around. But when you've gotta study, it's just infinitely more difficult.

I really can't wait for these stupid tests to be over with. They're so.........frustrating. I tell you, as soon as they're done with, I'm going to have an entire day to watch movies, an entire week to just WRITE; work on my stories--all of them--I need to update and get further on The Mystical--and then like another week to clean. I'll be starting summer classes on July 13th, and well, oh, right.

I've got so much to do. I need to make a buttload of money this summer, because my tuition bill is not, in fact, $1400 and change, but rather flipping $1596, which is very blasted near sixteen hundred. And I don't know for sure yet how much financial aid I'll be getting, so I definitely need to help offset that cost for my dad. Especially since I'm such a disappointment all the time.

I've got to stop being such a failure. I can't be that any more. In the words of Mark, from American Movie, "Now is the time not to drink and dream, but create and complete."

I don't know why I can't make myself do what's necessary.

Sometimes I feel like if I were on my own, somehow I would be able to do all these things. Because I would have to, you know? But I really don't know what to make of myself.

You know what? Screw this. I'll figure myself out later. Right now, I've got to understand the freakin' lytic cycle of a virus, and know what the hesey is the difference between that and the lysomatic or whatever it is cycle.

*growls and grabs hair*
Your very irked muffin,

Friday, May 14, 2010

Melody of the

It's a lazy evening in late spring, and it's finally warm. These past few days...about a week and a half--have been rather cold, unseasonably so. But now it's finally warming up.

Actually, today was a bit uncomfortably warm, but that could be just me since I was wearing a long-sleeved shirt pushed up to my elbows and long jeans. *thinks* Yeah. That could just be me.

Anyway (and it would seem that I can't do a single blog/journal entry without including the perpetual "anyways") I've decided what I'm going to do to earn money to help pay for my summer tuition fee. It's an insane $1,449. and change, and I'm going to be getting round about $425 from a Pell Grant...I don't know yet what'll come through for TAP. But back to what I'm going to do to help offset the cost.

I'm going to play my guitar in the subways.

And I'll have the guitar case open by my feet for donations, with a sign reading that donations will go towards paying my college tuition fee. *sighs*

Oh, I have Friday evening church service to go to I'll most likely be back later and finish up all what I had planned to say.

Many hugs and hearts,

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Just Another Long Day

Good morning!

The only reason I'm bubbly is because I'm blogging. Yes. I'm blogging. *giggles* So right now I'm in my bio class, and unfortunately today is one of my long days--I won't be reaching home tonight before around nine-thirty. =(
And I got up at five this morning. Sucks bad, eh?
I soooo didn't want to get up, but my mom came in my room three times and forced me to get up the last time, and she sounded rather hysterical; (and I quote) "It's the last class, you have to go, you'll miss all the important things for the final, because it's the last class...yada yada.."

Now, what she failed to realize was that this is, one, not the last class, and two, we're learning arbitrary stuff now..winding down. In chemistry we learned about the importance of water and purification. No hard-core stuff. Here in bio we're talking about stem cell research...although, I admit Prof. Erster has somehow managed to make her lecture sound like it will probably be on the final......*frowns*

Is there anything interesting I have to say? Not really. Well, okay. I've just learned this: stem cell research works in mice, but not in primates..interesting. I suppose I'll check out later on. iPS stants for "induced pluripotent stemcells". Basically, you take an adult cell in culture and then genetically modify it in the laboratory and turn it back into a stem cell by introducing a minimal number of proteins, which are transcription factors that basically reverse all growth and returns them to stem cell stage, where they have the potential to be differentiated into lots of different cell types.

That's actually pretty cool, if you can excuse the run-on sentence. =D And it actually works.

Wow. God wasn't kidding when He said nothing would be impossible for us...

So..randomly. My mom gave me a chicken cup noodle soup and it turned out to be the spicy kind. *fans drooling mouth* I suppose I neglected to mention that I only like plain chicken vegetable cup noodle soups. Eh. I was hungry, so it was good.

I found a really good fanfic on from the Mortal Instruments Series. Most of the ones I looked at before only were set within the actual setting of the original story, and their writing wasn't all that I didn't like them. But this one is all human; no demons or warlocks or shadowhunting, just a brooding, sarcastic, hot, soccer/piano/guitar-playing Jace and brokenhearted artist Clary who become next door neighbors and (I'm guessing) will eventually fall in love. It's really well written.

And I recommend it.

Eh, I suppose I'll pay attention in class to you later!

your mushroom, Cahryn.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I'm a Blogger!!!

So today is the day I begin.

The day I begin my life as an online blogger.

I couldn't be more excited!

So. A bit about me. I'm twenty one years old, a junior in college and I love to read, write, and make music. In that order.

I also love biology, animals, stars, and M'n'Ms. And of course God, my family, and my lovely furballs Topaze and Munch-Munch. (The latter two being a cat and a guinea pig).

Right now, I'm very, very tired, and have a physiology exam coming up in two days, which I haven't done an ounce of studying I'm going to sign off for now and get some rest, but you can bet your nose I'll be back and blogging away as though my life depended on it.

Peace, love, and honey bunches of oats....
Your mushroom Cahryn.