Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day Thirty-Nine: Almost There!!

Hi there! Today's day thirty nine!

And I'm very, very proud to say, I haven't had any more slipups!!! =D

Tomorrow is the last day of my forty-day fast, and I feel accomplished. I'm not there yet, but I'm so happy to know that it can be done, and by me!

It's also going to be nice to be able to eat during the daytime, lol.

But I can see how I've grown. It used to bother me to have food nearby when I was fasting, but now, I can have food, open, right under my nose, and be surrounded by people eating and it doesn't even faze me.

Proof: It was the second to last week of the Love Feast at church, where a family cooks each week for seven weeks for the entire church, and I finally stayed for it, because I wanted to get to spend some time with Christina, and so I sat at the table with everyone around me eating, but all I was doing was talking. Then Lisa noticed that I wasn't eating, nor did I have a fork. So she offered me one, and said "Ohmigosh, I'm sorry, you don't have a fork, so you can't eat!"


So I declined politely and said that I was saving the food for later, and of course everyone wanted to know why, so I said because I'm fasting, and Raequette looked SO surprised; she asked "But how can you just sit there with the food in front of you, and you're just staring at it! Aren't you tempted?"
So I thought about it (for the first time, actually) and realized, no, it didn't tempt me. I'd gotten used to it.

I know I'm fasting, I know I can't eat, and so, no biggie. But I'm very glad that God has helped me to get through this thus far.

In other news, I'm about to declare an English minor!!!! WHOOOOOOPEEEEEE!
I'm so excited about that. I realized that I have enough English classes (and I'm taking two more as DECs next semester) that I'll only need two more and then I'll have completed all the requirements for an English minor. And then, I just get my GPA up a little bit higher (which the English classes will help me to do) and I know my English GPA is great, and I'LL BE ABLE TO GET INTO THE ENGLISH HONOR SOCIETY!!!!
How uh-may-zing is THAT?

I love God.

He rocks.

I also really like Stellar Kart. Lol. Random, I know, but not so much, really. I happen to be listening to them right now on my iPod. *bops head*

I also really like Doctor Who. It's a British sci-fi mystery series with an alien Time Lord known only as The Doctor....he time travels and solves all sorts of crazy alien mysteries. I loves it!!

Okay, time for me to go now...must get some sleep!!

See you later!!
Your stellar time traveler,
~Cahryn K.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day Thirty: It's been a while

I know, wow, I'm back.

You probably thought I fell off the face of the earth.

Well I've got news for you: the earth doesn't have a face. So how would I fall off it? =P

I'm still tired. Even more so...I also have my 12-time-a-year-visitor and I'm just a little bit irritable.

Just a bit. (Read: a whole frigging lot).
Lots of things haven't been working out for me, namely: technology, study time, physics, nor anything worthwhile in general.

Here's an example: I had a Cell Signaling midterm today. On saturday I went to the mall to buy a pillow, because they had a sale (which I missed, so I had to pay full price($12) for one and get the other for $1 instead of each for $3.99), and I took all my cell signaling lecture notes and put them in the bag I was bringing so I could study while I was traveling. Well, the bus was full on the way there, so I had to stand squished and didn't get to study, and my hands were full on the way back, so I didn't get to study, and then today came, and I grabbed my folder containing the notes and shoved it in my bookbag haphazardly as I dashed madly out of the house to catch the bus.

One little problem.

The notes were not in that folder. They were in my other bag, nestled snugly in a corner on my bedroom floor.

I discovered this while I was sitting in the Traditions Lounge at my school, wracking my brain for a reason as to why there were only BIO 201 notes in my folder.

Yeah. Such has been my life as of late.

My fast is going splendidly, and by splendidly I mean I've only got ten more days to go and hallelujah. Forty days is a really, really, really long time. I screwed up um...three times, but hopefully God is merciful and I can still make this work. I mean...He can still make this work.

Today is my nephew's birthday, Little Chris. He's three now. I find that pretty hard to grasp...I mean, I remember before he was born...I remember right after he was born and he was just three days old and we went to see him and he wasn't even dark-skinned yet. (Now he's a deep chocolate).

Random subject change, I know. I miss writing. A lot. I miss reading, but I really, really, really miss writing. As a matter of fact, I'm going to go and write right now.

No, I can't. I have to do Bioportal, or start on MasteringPhysics, or something of the like. I hate school. It's always the worst the third month in....everything has just become so tedious, and it doesn't let up, neither.

*wants to cry*
So I'm going to go read a little bit of my story and perhaps write just a tad, and then do my schoolwork.

I'll talk to you again soon,
~your droopy-eyed scholar,
Cahryn K.