Wednesday, August 21, 2019

have i done anything productive today?

Let's see.

I woke up at like seven this morning, drove to Brooklyn to pick up my coworker and take her to work out in Long Island...then I drove a little farther out and brought my Apple watch to the Apple store to get it fixed.

Hung around the mall while I waited for my Genius Bar appointment and bought a gorgeous glittery nail polish, an organic aloe and turmeric face mask, and two scented candles (FALL SCENTS FINALLY).

Left there and went to physical therapy, left that and went to pick up Cal and take him to the post office to ship off the mask he sold (his car got towed because of idiots not paying him on time so he couldn't pay the tickets he got for delivering THEIR goods) and then played hooky from tutoring because I had neglected to tell him I had tutoring so we were still driving around when it was almost time for me to go. I texted them and tried to reschedule for tomorrow (got no reply, so I'm a little worried, but still).

Checked up on my birth control prescription, and of COURSE the doctor denied the refill because they want me to come in and take another pregnancy test before prescribing me any more refills.

Never mind the fact that I'm ON my period.

But okay.

I only have pills left through saturday, and it's wednesday now. Yes, I'm aware I didn't capitalize the days of the week. No, I don't care enough to change it. Yes, I do care quite a lot, and yes, I realize that in the amount of time it's taken me to write all this, I could simply have gone back and made the adjustment.

It's not happening.

What else? I went to get gas & Cal got out to pump it for me (apparently he has a thing about that boyfriends shouldn't let women have to pump their own gas...I think it's a little extra but cute) and then we went to Checkers...

Oh yeah, we went to the bike shop too...and CVS and my doctor's office...

Sat outside his house in the car eating the food and found out I have to mostly stop sleeping over because his mom is bothered by it (grumble grumble) and then I went home.

Crazy rainstorm (got drenched) and then he texted to ask if I wanted to ESO for a bit.


So we went online, ran through the sewers of the Imperial City slaying Daedra and being slayed by reds...& he called me on facetime audio so we could coordinate.

That was around's now a few minutes to eleven and we stopped playing a long time ago. He's been sculpting and I've been cleaning my room...still on the facetime audio.

Can I pause to cheese really hard here? This feels like when I realized that I can work on my novel around him...not feel distracted or self-conscious.

I fully expected him to say he had to go when he was going to start sculpting, but instead, he's stayed on the phone with me the entire time.


It's weird being happy again.

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