Wednesday, April 29, 2020

It's 2020, and I never did a 2019 me.

So here's me...but it's an April 2020 me.

  • my hair is growing out
  • I dyed it bronze-ish auburn-ish (it was supposed to be blondish)
  • same two cats and a new betta fish named Raxacoricofallapatorius 
  • still work at Target
  • started my masters again in science communication (FINALLY)
  • four years into my relationship (and things have gotten SO much better than I ever expected)
  • I stand up for myself a lot more than I ever used to
  • I wear more black and red now than anything because work uniform
  • I started drawing again
  • I taught myself how to make stickers (from scratch)
  • I learned to make GOOD baked macaroni and cheese (have my own recipe now)
  • my bedroom looks like a minimalist boho studio apartment
  • I do my own mani pedis with gel nail polish 
  • still obsessed with the mortal instruments and all spin offs
  • the new doctor who seasons suck
  • but I'll always love the old ones
  • went on my first cruise
  • went with cal and his mom & her friend
  • it went to bermuda
  • went in a hot tub for the first time
  • I'm growing my hair out again
  • I had cut it into a buzz cut so it was less than an inch long 
  • I transitioned from classical to jazz
  • got drumsticks as a gift (only took 13 years)
  • still dress mostly sporty/athleisure 
  • getting curious about makeup
  • actually really like playing video games
  • spend my weekends at cal's (& dad is okay with it!)
  • there's a frigging pandemic going on
  • I've kept plants alive for about a year now
  • my relationship with my dad is pretty okay
  • relaunched my science instagram and gained quite a few followers 
  • gotta stay active
  • paid off my amazon credit card
  • went to the corn maze with cal for the second year in a row
  • gained about 45 lbs in about a year and a half
  • hey, at least I have my butt back
  • gotta get rid of this belly gut though
  • it scares me that I question christianity so much
  • but I do believe Jesus died for my sins
  • I still want to know "why" everything
  • favorite color....maybe pale dusty rose? I like neutrals a lot.
  • favorite food: chicken wings
  • favorite movies: still day after tomorrow, I robot, and transformers
  • favorite tv shows: doctor who, that 70's show
  • best book I've read lately: funny. I don't remember the name of it but I read it while on the cruise. that one. 
  • I look more like my mother than ever before
  • had to give my cats away and then got them back
  • I really need routines and lots of breaks
  • I have an obsession with notebooks
  • floral things. all things floral.
  • I still do a lot of psychology research online
  • did a road trip to NC, stopped in Delaware and passed through virginia, saw the Capitol
  • cal told me he loves me
2019 was a really good year. It was actually the first year since my mother died that I spent mostly happy. Genuinely happy, content, and with positive feelings for most of the year (there were a few hiccups here and there but overall, it was good.)

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