I just had a fantastic day.
Like, really fantastic.
It started out with me going to class, learning about the gene that's believed to cause schizophrenia and autism (something I've been wanting to study for ages!) and then there was a blood drive at my school, and I donated blood.
I've been wanting to do that for about 2 years and haven't done it till now. I'm so glad I was able to do it...I almost couldn't because I'd recently gotten my ears pierced (for the first time...didn't tell you that, did I?) But they let me.
It feels awesome.
Then today was thursday, so there are all these vendors that come to the lobby of the Student Activities Center (SAC) at my school, and I went and bought....dun dun dunnnn....
Yes. I did it. I bought a friggin' longboard.
I loves it already. It's so cooooollll.....but it's really fast and I have to get used to it. Cost me a pretty penny, though....$260. But its worth it.
I put it on my credit card. >_<
I also got a macbook pro (but that was last monday), which is the mostest awesometasticalest machine for computering ever made!
The weather was gorgeous today, up to 70 in the city and high 60s out here on the island. Loved it. I wore a tshirt today and wasn't cold =D
Then I went to the rest of my classes and hung out with my rocking cool friend Melodi and we painted our nails and had girl talk and I tried on her hairpiece (and fell in love, see pic above)...I want my own.
Anyway, now I'm sleeping over in her dorm and its like, 4:19am....yes, we stayed up that late. So..I'm going to bed now, I just wanted to share my lovely day with you.
peace, love and beautiful almost-spring days,
Cahryn K.
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