I'm going to go study...just now. Really, I am.
I just want to talk a little bit. I'm in such a good mood it's lovely. I'm listening to Pandora radio and I have it on a station I call my Civil Twilight station. I once downloaded a free song by them from iTunes and loved their style, so now I'm listening to all sorts of music that's similar.
I call it my mellow-happy music.
You know, since I'm staying on campus and all that, I think it may actually be a good thing. I mean, my mom's not well right now, and I hate that I can't be there with her all the time. Definitley. I hate that.
But since I'm on my own, (not fully, of course; I go home every weekend for church and to be with my family) I find myself more and more.
Like, literally find myself. Who I am, and what I do in the face of pressure and the like. What sort of things I really like: types of music, how I want to dress...the dressing is a big one, because when I'm home, my mom doesn't approve of certain things I'd like to wear, and I have to worry about..oh, I don't know, trying to get past her out of the door, haha.
Since I'm spending the weeks away, I have to make most of my decisions on my own, without getting a chance to get input from my family, and I'm learning the consequences of not making wise choices (like perhaps writing this blog before memorizing the muscles in the mink when my lab practical is tomorrow afternoon). But it's a learning process >_<.
I just love where I'm at right now, in my life.
What really cemented it for me was a small thing, but it was a big deal to me. I bought a longboard the other day ($260). When my parents came up to my campus on saturday for the event my club was having (a Hair Expo), I rode it to go and meet them at the train station. I was afraid they would be upset with me, especially when they found out how much it cost. But although they pointed out that they wished I had paid off a few more bills first, my dad said that he wasn't upset with me for having bought it. He explained that it was up to me to do what I thought was necessary and best for myself, and well.....
I just felt so much better. It's such a nice feeling to grow into oneself, especially coming from a super-overprotective family like I have. All my life I haven't been able to make my own decisions, but now that I am, I think I love it.
Anyhow. Speaking of wise decisions, let me go now and study for my practical. That's what responsibility is all about, right?
let there be love,
~Cahryn K.