its already over
when you open your eyes
and see what you wanted to see
only you didn't, really
so you pick up the silver metal thing
thats twisted into all sorts of ugly shapes
only you think they're beautiful
(I think they're beautiful.)
And you stand before the glass
and close your eyes
memorize the image that you see
the image that the ugly beautiful metal thing
will make you into
when you press it against your skin
because your own image is never good enough
says the manufacturers
the manufacturers of that beautifully ugly shaped
metal thing
that will make you beautiful (ugly)
when you press it into your skin.
(When I press it into my skin.)
So you stand before the glass
and bend.
You bend and twist and contort yourself
until you match the image
that you wanted to see
only you don't, really.
What's wrong with you? Try harder
press harder
until the blood runs
trickles down
and your vision is obscured
(until my vision is obscured)
and I can no longer see
until you can no longer see
the real image..
There is only the metal..the one bent
and cut by the metal into the perfect
into the perfect cookie cutter image
the beautiful (ugly) cookie cutter image
that you are convinced is you.
So you lie in bed..every night you lie in bed and pretend
and I lie in bed and pretend (I lie)
every night I lie in bed
and pretend to be me.