Saturday, December 4, 2010
Baby It's Cold Outside!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Day Thirty-Nine: Almost There!!
And I'm very, very proud to say, I haven't had any more slipups!!! =D
Tomorrow is the last day of my forty-day fast, and I feel accomplished. I'm not there yet, but I'm so happy to know that it can be done, and by me!
It's also going to be nice to be able to eat during the daytime, lol.
But I can see how I've grown. It used to bother me to have food nearby when I was fasting, but now, I can have food, open, right under my nose, and be surrounded by people eating and it doesn't even faze me.
Proof: It was the second to last week of the Love Feast at church, where a family cooks each week for seven weeks for the entire church, and I finally stayed for it, because I wanted to get to spend some time with Christina, and so I sat at the table with everyone around me eating, but all I was doing was talking. Then Lisa noticed that I wasn't eating, nor did I have a fork. So she offered me one, and said "Ohmigosh, I'm sorry, you don't have a fork, so you can't eat!"
So I declined politely and said that I was saving the food for later, and of course everyone wanted to know why, so I said because I'm fasting, and Raequette looked SO surprised; she asked "But how can you just sit there with the food in front of you, and you're just staring at it! Aren't you tempted?"
So I thought about it (for the first time, actually) and realized, no, it didn't tempt me. I'd gotten used to it.
I know I'm fasting, I know I can't eat, and so, no biggie. But I'm very glad that God has helped me to get through this thus far.
In other news, I'm about to declare an English minor!!!! WHOOOOOOPEEEEEE!
I'm so excited about that. I realized that I have enough English classes (and I'm taking two more as DECs next semester) that I'll only need two more and then I'll have completed all the requirements for an English minor. And then, I just get my GPA up a little bit higher (which the English classes will help me to do) and I know my English GPA is great, and I'LL BE ABLE TO GET INTO THE ENGLISH HONOR SOCIETY!!!!
How uh-may-zing is THAT?
I love God.
He rocks.
I also really like Stellar Kart. Lol. Random, I know, but not so much, really. I happen to be listening to them right now on my iPod. *bops head*
I also really like Doctor Who. It's a British sci-fi mystery series with an alien Time Lord known only as The Doctor....he time travels and solves all sorts of crazy alien mysteries. I loves it!!
Okay, time for me to go now...must get some sleep!!
See you later!!
Your stellar time traveler,
~Cahryn K.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Day Thirty: It's been a while
Friday, October 29, 2010
Day Nineteen: Only?
But what else is new? I'm tired beyond being tired. It's cold. Very.
Wanna know how cold?
It's going down to 32degrees tonight and we have to have the fans going inside the house and the windows open because idiots want to smoke. Indoors.
Gosh, I hate cigarettes and smoke and very nearly the people who smoke them. Almost.
I also hate physics, bioinformatics, uncooperative hair, and technology in general. None of it does me any good at the moment.
I must sleep, for I am on the verge of emotional oblivion.
Your emotional obliviante,
~Cahryn K.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Day Fifteen: Stupid, unreliable technology
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Day Fourteen: My Life Has Been Kind of Sucky Lately
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Day Ten: Best Day of My LIFE!
We walked together out of the building, and then happened to walk actually not so slowly over to the SAC. But when we got there, it was 4:07, and there was no way I was running for the train…last time I did that with this bookbag, it broke. That was two years ago, and daddy just fixed it two days ago.
So I asked him what he was going to do, and he said probably just get something to eat and then work on his lab report. So I said that sounded like a plan, since I wouldn’t be catching the train.
Oh, right, and when he heard I wouldn’t get the train, he said “So it’s my fault? Ugh, I kept you late…”
Lol. It wasn’t really his fault..I learned things I needed to learn. VIP things. So….yeah.
We went into the SAC and I told him he could just get whatever and not wait for me to choose since I’m fasting….and he was fascinated. Lol. He said “Really? Fasting? How come?” So I tried to explain and ….well, it was spur of the moment so I didn’t do a very good job and he said “Wait. Let me just grab a sandwich and then get out and you’ll tell me all about that.”
Oh, did I mention I sort of helped choose his lunch? Lol. There was a green tortilla tuna burrito wrap thingie…yes, green, and I was trying to figure out what made it green…but the ingredients weren’t very helpful. So he grabbed it up and said “You know what? I’ll take this. We’ll find out what it is.” Of course I was surprised, and asked “Really?” and he said “Yeah.”
I sound SO smitten. I’m not. I promise I’m not.
So then we went and sat in the food court section that’s not by the windows “since it’s quieter” (his words). And I proceeded to try to explain my reasoning behind my fast. It wasn’t easy…but he got it. And then he asked most diplomatically, “What religious sect do you identify with?” I had to laugh at that, but then just said, “Christian.” So he wanted to know if it was any particular denomination, which it’s not, and it turns out he comes from an Episcopalian background, grown up in church…he’s just, not going any more. He couldn’t really explain why, but he reasoned that it might have been because he was being forced to go no matter what, and that he got fed up.
After that, we talked about ALL SORTS OF STUFF. Um, everything from him asking me what my favorite season is (we both love fall), if I like to cook, if I speak another language, we talked about classes (found out he’s in my bio 201 class at the same time!) and he’s taking Chem 131 now (poor fellow) …his brain is fried, too. I told him about Jason’s tutoring and Solomon’s online free help, and he was more than happy (“Seriously? Oh, I love you, thanks so much!”) Lol. The latter was because I offered to give him my CHE 131 notes from Jason’s tutoring.
I hope to God I still have them…
Oh! And also, he’s going to read my story!!!!!! =D
We talked about what type of books we like to read, what type of music we like to listen to, who’s better, Biggie or Tupac (he insisted Biggie, I say Tupac) but then we came to a compromise, the Yankees (because of my Yankee’s wristbands, which he kept reaching over and touching…hm. I won’t read anything into that), found out we both like the Jets (Whoo!!), we talked about silly bands (and a cool pink one that he used to have that spelled out yankees, but broke), what countries we’d like to visit, OH! and he wants to be a surgeon, too! (A high-five was exchanged for that), he lives in Northport (not to far from Stonybrook) and I told him about my dream house that I want to buy which is there (and he knows the exact house!)…admitted, that’s a little embarrassing, somehow…he wanted to know if I like to cook, and what I like to cook, and then he wanted to know what Jamaican food is like, since he’s never tried any except for beef patties, which he loves. I finally got to ask him what nationality he is (I’ve been wondering since like, forever), and turns out he’s Mexican, Cuban, English and German. I highfived him for the German =) .
He also mentioned that he thought the reason that he was “thinking about me for the week” might be because he’d noticed a shirt I wore once, that said “I get high with a little help from my friends”, and as he puts it, that’s an “ill shirt,” lol.
Wow. He noticed my shirt.
(There I go again….)
We talked about creation vs. evolution, science vs. religion, tattoos and ear piercings and why I have none, (he has one, a really cool one, on his side, it’s a Jimmy Hendrix quote). He wanted to know where I would have gotten the tattoo had I chosen to get one, and about the Mortal Instruments Series and runes, and Of Mice and Men, and John Steinbeck, and Tale of Two Cities, and Ernest Hemingway, Alaska and his dream to compete in that race where you have the team of dogs (I forget the proper name for it)….
And then it was time for my train to come soon, and he was incredibly tired, so he went to get a coffee, we had exchanged email addresses, and I went off to catch my train, utterly elated.
Told you we talked about everything.
Anyway, so he turned out to be really cool, and I can’t believe I actually got to hang out with him. Oh, and he’s also around my height! I might be one inch taller than him…but barely. The way he’s built, if you look at him, you think he’s short, but I was quite surprised standing next to him to find that he’s quite tall. Well, average for a guy.
*sigh* I’m a happy person right now. I mean, it’s really, like, never that you actually get to talk to somebody who you were noticing, only to find out that they actually noticed you, and for something nice, too, like the fact that you’re writing a novel. Plus, he mentioned that he’d noticed my shirt, and liked it. And he said more than once that he “Liked It.” Lol.
I’m just in …such a blissful mood right now…sort of ecstatic. Really cool. Happy!!! Yay!!! And he said that he felt honored when I asked if he’d like to read the story. =)
*sighs blissfully*
I’ve got to go do my MasteringPhysics now…it’s less than two hours til it’s due. I’ll tell you tomorrow how life went!! =)
Peace, love, and Yankees bracelets,
Your happy biostudent,
~Cahryn K.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Day Nine: Happy Birthday, Big Bro!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Day Eight: Soooo sleepy...
Friday, October 15, 2010
Day Five: Early, Muffinated, and Crunched for Time.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Day Four: Brrrrr......
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Day Three: Looking Up
Monday, October 11, 2010
What A Day....
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
A Poem I Wrote In The Middle Of The Night
They do not understand
They cannot understand
The night sky falling beneath my fingers
Dark clouds illuminated by the light of a lone star
As I trace the pattern of a slumbering world
They will not understand
They would not understand
The shape of a sound breaking over water
Curved melodies snaking around my waist
As I eke out the rhythm of a beating heart
They shall not understand
They'll never understand
The form of a vowel upon the point
Upon the sharp point of ink and graphite
Upon the sharp point of wit and tongue
It is mine
It is mine alone, and yet it is ours
It belongs to us
But I understand, you understand
Yes, we live to understand
The beauty of the unwritten, unspoken, uncreated
It is true, I live to understand
The pattern that is inked upon my living, beating heart.
~Composed 7-31-2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
I Have Returned
Later, Mr. Annihalator.
*scratches head in confusion and heads off to class*