Monday, October 25, 2010

Day Fifteen: Stupid, unreliable technology

Yes, you heard me, and that was an SM reference.

Stupid idiotic MasteringPhysics is giving me the same troubles, after a whole weekend. It's got some glitch in the system that it won't accept any answers. Pisses me off something fierce.


I don't have anything else to talk about, really. I finally finished that lab report, and submitted it to SafeAssign this morning, printed out two copies, I've finished my prelab...(hmm, need to staple that)... finished the prelab for Physics, too, and well, now I'm sort of at a loss for what to do. There isn't enough time to sleep before my bio class...I only have 25 minutes before it starts. Then after that it's straight through till 5:50pm. And it's 11:21am now. Yeesh-a-beesh. Long day, eh? I know. But it's not so bad.

My friend Denia's birthday is this saturday, and on Sunday she wants to go to six flags. But, um...I doubt I'll have the money to go...especially seeing as how all sorts of bills always pile up around the end of the month.

There are a number of scholarships I would like to apply for, that found for me. I need the time to do the writing, though. Okay. So over Thanksgiving break, I need to complete at least two, as well as keep up on my studying.
I wonder if we're going to do a lot of cooking for thanksgiving? I know I want to try to make that cornflakes baked chicken....and we must have lasagna, because, well, we have that every year, and that's the only time I get to eat it, usually.

I'll also have to look up some really good vegetarian dishes to see if I can make them for daddy. Gosh. All this talk about food is making me hungry...quite literally. But I'll get over it. Mind over matter, and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Right?


I also want to keep working on my the time I finally go back on any of the websites, my readers more than deserve like, three chapters or something. I'm just realizing that school takes all or nothing, and in a way it sucks, because you've gotta let some things give. *sigh*

Maybe it really is all about time management. It's time to knuckle down.

I'll pack up and get ready for class now, so I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Or maybe...later on today. We'll see.

Your determined knuckle,
~Cahryn K.

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